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Pre & Postnatal Group Class

Embrace Wellness Together: Find Rejuvenation in My Intimate Pre & Postnatal Classes

  • 50 minutes
  • Femme Pilates Studio

Service Description

Experience the comprehensive benefits of our Pre & Postnatal Pilates class, where we prioritise pelvic floor function, abdominal strength, overall body strength, and flexibility. Addressing common postural issues such as back pain, hip pain, and collapsed foot arches during and after pregnancy is central to our program. Pregnancy is an extraordinary journey, and having a supportive community of women who understand and share your experiences can make all the difference. Our classes provide a wealth of techniques for preventing and healing abdominal separation, nurturing your pelvic floor, correcting posture, and safely transitioning into postpartum exercises to support your recovery journey. Whether you're in the early or late stages of your postpartum journey, regardless of whether you've had a c-section or a vaginal birth, our class is tailored to meet your specific needs. Reconnect with your body, connect with fellow moms on a similar journey, and find solace in a supportive space where you can share experiences and receive encouragement. Secure your spot today and immerse yourself in a nurturing environment, surrounded by a community of supportive women who understand and embrace your unique journey.

Upcoming Sessions

Contact Details

  • Femme Pilates Studio

    14 O'Connell Avenue, Matraville NSW, Australia

    0432 849 977

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